The EXCELIVING partners

AMBIT Cluster
Is an interior furnishings and hotel contract cluster and innovation hub. AMBIT’s mission is to promote the competitiveness of its member companies through innovation. They are passionate about designing and executing projects in the interior furnishings sector.

Transylvanian Furniture Cluster
Is an associative structure managed by Hygia Consult, that represents the interests of the furniture industry since 2012. TFC includes members in the following categories: SMEs, Universities, public schools and research units, public administration and supportive catalysts

Danish Life Science Cluster
Danish Life Science Cluster is a Danish national cluster that builds bridges, drives innovation and creates networks between companies, knowledge environments and organizations within life science and welfare technology.

Smartech Cluster
Smartech Cluster, founded in 2010, is a non-profit Spanish association that brings together all the players in the value chain of home automation, buildings and Smart Cities and the digital transformation of the industry and other economic sectors.

Cluster Habitat Sustentável
The Sustainable Habitat Cluster brings together companies, municipalities, R&D centers, business associations and other entities that are committed to sustainability as a motto for Innovation and Competitiveness.